“I am not a man nor a woman, I am so much more.”
- Alok Menon
= I aspire to be who I am, and who I am is androgynous.
Androgyny supersedes aesthetic and philosophy, it can be soft and subtle, or bold and powerful. It can be creepy, curious, fantasy, or bewilderment; having no gender attached to it means it is free to be transformed however the user/wearer/experiencer wishes.
Ambition is passion and, at the same time, ambition is courage; following through with your goals despite the challenges you face. Accomplishing goals is intimidating, and the process can be painstaking, but the drive to continue from passion and resilience is what helps push me through.
Choosing Artistry realistically expresses my art without too many boundaries. It’s vague, almost androgynous some would say. My one goal with my artwork is to be my biggest fan, to make art I enjoy looking at, hopefully others can share the beauty I find.